The Politics of North Korea’s ‘Garbage Balloons’ in South Korea

The Politics of North Korea’s ‘Garbage Balloons’ in South Korea

24 Jul 2024

“THE POLITICS OF NORTH KOREA’S ‘GARBAGE BALLOONS’ IN SOUTH KOREA” Introduction The recent incident of North Korean balloons carrying garbage and landing in South Korean territory has raised concerns about the intentions of the Kim dynasty regime in Pyongyang.1 This is another example of the notorious activities of the leadership in North Korea. [...] These incidents also reflect the fragility of the security situation on the Korean Peninsula and anti-people orientation of the North Korean regime. [...] Korean National Division and Propaganda The Korean national division which followed soon after the liberation of the Korean Peninsula from the Japanese colonial rule (1910–1945) came as a surprise to the Korean people as the Allied Powers divided the country along the 38th northern latitude. [...] The destruction of the symbols and infrastructure related to the inter-Korean relations is also testimony to the fact that national reunification is no longer the goal of the North Korean regime. [...] The mindless expenditure on the military and development of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) by the Kim dynasty is draining the country’s resources and has kept the lives of the people in a miserable situation.
north korea; south korea


Ranjit Kumar Dhawan

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