Communicating ESG value drivers at the company-investor interface : Who Cares Wins annual event 2006 - conference report


Communicating ESG value drivers at the company-investor interface : Who Cares Wins annual event 2006 - conference report

1 Oct 2006

In June 2004 a group of 20 financial institutions with combined assets of over 6 trillion U.S. dollars published and publicly endorsed a report on Who Cares Wins. Facilitated by the UN Global Compact, the focus of the report was a series of recommendations, targeting different financial sector actors, which taken together seek to address the central issue of integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues into mainstream investment decision-making and ownership practices. This conference report contains the following headings: about Who Cares Wins; objectives of the 2006 Event; key insights from the Event; insights from plenary and break-out sessions; recommendations for companies and investors; reflections on the progress made so far and future directions; appendices.
climate change financial market corporate social responsibility financial institutions human security social development business model greenhouse gas emission financial sector development strategic asset allocation enterprise risk management institutional investor social issue public sector development macroeconomics and economic growth law and development finance and financial sector development environmental and social performance science of climate change climate change and environment climate change and health accuracy of forecast multinational & corporate governance capital markets and capital flows legal institutions of the market economy energy and water global supply chain environment and natural resources principles of sustainability external affairs cost of option lack of focus new york stock exchange corporate governance reform profit and loss interest of investor emerging market equity investment community community of interest interaction with investor coffee company


Hagart, Gordon, Knoepfel, Ivo

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Doc Name
Communicating ESG value drivers at the company-investor interface : Who Cares Wins annual event 2006 - conference report
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United States of America
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Sustainability Knowledge Learnin (CESSK)
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