cover image: Strengthening Rwandan Administrative Justice: Private Labor Regulation and Administrative Justice


Strengthening Rwandan Administrative Justice: Private Labor Regulation and Administrative Justice

26 Nov 2019

This section provides a general description of the practice of administrative justice related to private labor complaints. It was informed by the Phase I Legal and Policy Framework Analysis conducted by the SRAJ project, as well as the Phase II field research (which included individual interviews and group discussions in 6 districts, involving more than 50 citizens, 20 representatives of private employers, and 40 officials from central and decentralized government entities. These actors have participated in the administrative process (with regard to labor regulation) as complainants (citizens), respondents (private firm representatives) and problem-solvers and (sometimes) mediators (public officials). Their views, against the backdrop of the operative legal framework, provide a multi-dimensional view the of current administrative process governing private labor disputes. This section is followed by a discussion of quantitative data obtained from a survey of citizens with personal experience in labor disputes, and then a summary of key findings and recommendations from the field research.
africa labour disputes mediation employee rights administrative justice labour laws and legislation
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