cover image: Fixing Pakistan’s Budget


Fixing Pakistan’s Budget

5 Aug 2024

To illustrate the issue, the paper draws upon a Sankey Diagram (Figure 1) with revenues and expenditures of the Federal Government for the current fiscal year, while key areas of interest are labelled with letters sequentially.8 It incorporates updated figures from the Medium-Term Budget Strategy Paper (MTBSP).9 The analysis provides a sense of how different the rhetoric of budget reform is from a. [...] The military has operational requirements, modernisation needs, and stands as the vanguard of the nation against both internal and external threats.33 If anything, the defence affairs portion should increase, to ensure that the military remains at the cutting edge, particularly given the acute nature of regional threats.34 However, the Federal Budget is not the right document to understand the mil. [...] On the provincial side, the commentary and analysis is of the same sort as for Area B, because the province-related subsidies fall into the same category of fiscal federalism.37 On the direct transfers, there is in fact too large a list to enumerate (even in summary form), but there is nevertheless a clear case for many of those transfers to be deemed fiscally reckless, politically-driven, and fin. [...] Recommendations Assess the cost and benefits of tolerating the current power sector quagmire and pursue substantive energy sector reforms that improve the lives of the many instead of the few. [...] However, this is where the nuance lies: the cost is not in running the government, but in how the government gets in the way of the economy.
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