cover image: Mauritania - The economy


Mauritania - The economy

29 Feb 1960

This report provides a review of the economy of Mauritania as of 1960. Mauritania is an autonomous republic within the Community established by the French Constitution of October 1950. It is thus responsible for its own domestic economic and financial policy, while the Community is responsible for currency and for economic and financial questions common to the Community as a whole. The key to economic development lies in the country's mineral resources, notably the high grade iron ore deposits at Fort Gouraud which Miferma proposed to exploit. Mauritania is traditionally a bridge between North and West Africa. The economy of Mauritania is primitive and the average level of incomes is among the lowest in West Africa. Probably 90 percent of the people live from agriculture, largely on a subsistence basis.
agriculture public finance livestock production exchange rates franc area gross national product iron ore political parties customs union industrial product raw material budgetary expenditure live animal credit institution canary islands foreign capital import price second world war overseas territory capital expenditure political party import duty food product balance of payment public facilities dry season construction period source of financing official exchange rate productive investment financial policies investments in infrastructure educational service fruit and vegetable administrative expense demand for labor import good supply of water customs regulation tax on imports construction of houses constitutional change payment of wage total public expenditure salaries and wages increased competition livestock number profit before tax important change fishing ground gum arabic electrical product stock raising numbers of animals high income consumer national income estimate
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Doc Name
Mauritania - The economy
Originating Unit
Published in
United States of America
Series Name
Europe series;no. EA 107
Total Volume(s)
Unit Owning
Office of the Regional Vice Pres (AFRVP)
Version Type
Volume No


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