cover image: 2011 State Teacher Policy Yearbook. District of Columbia

2011 State Teacher Policy Yearbook. District of Columbia

For five years running, the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) has tracked states' teacher policies, preparing a detailed and thorough compendium of teacher policy in the United States on topics related to teacher preparation, licensure, evaluation, career advancement, tenure, compensation, pensions and dismissal. The 2011 State Teacher Policy Yearbook includes NCTQ's biennial, full review of the state laws, rules and regulations that govern the teaching profession. This year's report measures state progress against a set of 36 policy goals focused on helping states put in place a comprehensive framework in support of preparing, retaining and rewarding effective teachers. For the first time, the "Yearbook" includes a progress rating for states on goals that have been measured over time. An overall progress ranking is also included, showing how states compare to each other in moving forward on their teacher policies. District of Columbia received a D for Overall 2011 Yearbook Grade. District of Columbia ranks 25th among states and has made low progress compared to other states. Highlights from recent progress in District of Columbia include: (1) Assessment of professional knowledge by means of a pedagogy test; (2) Alternate route program admission requirements; and (3) Teacher pension system sustainability. (Contains 141 figures.) [For the full report, "State Teacher Policy Yearbook, 2011. National Summary," see ED528825.]
Authorizing Institution
National Council on Teacher Quality
Education Level
['Elementary Education', 'Elementary Secondary Education', 'Middle Schools', 'Secondary Education']
District of Columbia
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
['Numerical/Quantitative Data', 'Reports - Evaluative']
Published in
United States of America
['Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation', 'Carnegie Corporation of New York', 'George Gund Foundation', 'Gleason Family Foundation', 'Joyce Foundation']

Table of Contents