cover image: Papers, Programs, and Technical Assistance Services for Educators of At-Risk Students.

Papers, Programs, and Technical Assistance Services for Educators of At-Risk Students.

This document is a set of resource summaries for educators of students at risk compiled by the nine regional educational laboratories. The summaries are divided into papers, programs, and technical assistance services. Student characteristics, effective remedial instruction strategies, and urban programs are emphasized. The 44 papers are published or unpublished reports, research syntheses, or position papers on issues related to at-risk students. The 22 programs describe specific interventions through schools, communities, or other agencies. The 18 technical assistance services are sources of information, training, or consultation. Each summary contains the following information: (1) a brief description of the resource; (2) keywords or descriptors; (3) the population targeted; (4) a contact person; and (5) the name of the laboratory submitting the entry. Alphabetical lists of summaries and a list of the addresses and telephone numbers of the nine regional laboratories are included. (FMW)
Authorizing Institution
Far West Lab. for Educational Research and Development, San Francisco, CA.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
['Reference Materials - Bibliographies', 'Reports - Descriptive', 'Information Analyses']
Published in
United States of America
Office of Educational Research and Improvement (ED), Washington, DC.

Table of Contents