cover image: Tanganyika - The economy


Tanganyika - The economy

31 May 1958

The report provides a description of the economy of Tanganyika including its area, population, trades, and products. It discusses the government and geography such as climate and natural resources available. The report also explains the structure and growth of the economy. Finally, it provides the development plans and their financing in Tanganyika.
gross domestic product tanzania crop production armed conflict balance of payments export earnings capital good agriculture and food security macroeconomic management middle school rate of growth food and agriculture organization balance of payment climate change and agriculture public health facility international trade and trade rules fixed capital formation crops and crop management systems posts and telecommunications political violence and war rate of population growth language of instruction african population primary school age budget speech production of cash crop monetary economy historiceconomic policy historicmacro/non-trade investment in stock government capital formation
Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Tanganyika - The economy
Originating Unit
Published in
United States of America
Series Name
Technical assistance series ; no. TA 7
Total Volume(s)
Unit Owning
East Asia and Pacific
Version Type
Volume No


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