cover image: Parental Influence and Involvement on Reading Achievement.

Parental Influence and Involvement on Reading Achievement.

A review of the research on the effects of parental influence and parental involvement on children's reading achievement indicates that when parents take an active and positive part in their child's education the results often turn out well for the student. Parental influence is defined as any opinion, attitude, or action (other than direct tutoring) that somehow shapes or molds the child's reading attitudes. Involvement is defined as any direct tutorial help the child receives with his or her reading. Studies show that parental role modeling will improve a child's reading, because the child sees reinforcement of the value of education outside of school. Parents who read books and magazines as leisure activities are more likely to have children with a high degree of interest in literature and reading. Other studies indicate that a child must want to read before he or she can acquire any substantial reading skills. Parents' attitudes other than toward reading can also influence reading achievement. Conflict or overprotection can interfere with reading skills, sometimes requiring parent counseling. Direct parental involvement in the form of tutoring can significantly increase a child's reading skills, although the parents must also know how to tutor in order to get the best possible results. Successful readers tutored in the home receive fewer critical and punishing statements from their parents than do problem readers. Overall, the research shows that the more help a child receives from his or her parents, and the more prepared they are to help their child, the better the child's reading achievement. (HTH)


Nebor, Jon N.

Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Information Analyses
Published in
United States of America

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