cover image: Report of the Title I/Chapter 1 Services Received by Graduates of the Columbus Public Schools.

Report of the Title I/Chapter 1 Services Received by Graduates of the Columbus Public Schools.

This document comprises a study of the involvement of 1989 graduates of the Columbus (Ohio) Public Schools in compensatory education programs available in kindergarten through grade eight funded under Chapter 1 of the Education Consolidation and Improvement Act. Program involvement is categorized on the basis of pupil attendance; students eligible for program service are considered treated based on their attendance records. Student file data from 1975 through 1989 were analyzed to determine which 1989 graduates had been served or had received treatment during those years. The following major findings are reported: (1) of the 3,298 graduates, 1,045 (31.7 percent) received program service and 890 (27.0 percent) received program treatment for at least one year; (2) more than half of those receiving services were served for an average of 2.2 years and more than half of those receiving program treatment received an average of 1.9 years of treatment; (3) graduates exhibited 210 different patterns of grades during program service and 162 patterns during program treatment; (4) approximately one-tenth of all graduates who received either program service or program treatment did so only in grade four, and no other grade pattern was as common; and (5) approximately four percent of the graduates served or treated for more than one year participated in kindergarten and grade one. Twenty-two tables of statistical data are included. (FMW)


Morgan, Kathy

Authorizing Institution
Columbus Public Schools, OH. Dept. of Evaluation Services.
Laws Policies and Programs
Education Consolidation Improvement Act Chapter 1
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Research
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents