cover image: Staff Development: Catalyst for Change. A Position Paper.

Staff Development: Catalyst for Change. A Position Paper.

School staff members need continuing opportunities to learn and grow because the waves of social change strike them first and most powerfully. Research on effective schools tends to stress staff development as crucial. School boards are involved in the development of their staff. A staff development program of broad scope and sharp focus can succeed. Staff development needs to mirror student needs and requires serious attention to the total school district picture. Effective staff development must also include identification of obstacles to change and strategy development to demolish them. Funding staff development is also a key issue. Staff fund providers and the state government need to work together to implement a successful change program. A summary of recommendations is presented at the beginning of the booklet. Appended are a sample staff development policy statement, a chart showing evaluation possibilities for staff development programs, and a set of sample professional staff development plan regulations. (24 references) (SI)
Authorizing Institution
New York State School Boards Association, Albany.
New York
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
['Opinion Papers', 'Guides - Non-Classroom']
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents