cover image: Moonlighting: A Study of Extra-Contractual Income of Arkansas' Public School Teachers.

Moonlighting: A Study of Extra-Contractual Income of Arkansas' Public School Teachers.

This state-wide study was designed to determine the extent to which teachers in Arkansas hold second jobs. A survey of public school teachers in 23 counties elicited 1,546 responses. Thirty-eight percent of Arkansas' teachers hold second jobs, although indications are that this would be a much higher percentage if additional jobs were available. Very few of the second jobs were actually related to the primary vocation of the teacher. Activities reported included bus driving, club activities, tutoring and coaching. Most of these activities pay a minimum wage. For most who moonlight, the extra income is an economic necessity, and for a great many more, the economic need to work a second job exists but the employment opportunity does not. Most of the teachers who responded to the survey did not believe that working a second job lowered their prestige nor did it cause the majority to become dissatisfied with teaching. There seemed to be little concern that working a second job jeopardized school evaluation or caused the teachers difficulty with the school board. (JD)


Bell, David, Roach, Patricia B.

Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
['Speeches/Meeting Papers', 'Reports - Research']
Published in
United States of America

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