cover image: Tanganyika - Highway Project


Tanganyika - Highway Project

31 Jan 1964

The Highway Project for Tanganyika will assist in the cost of improving the roads to standards, suitable for growing traffic. The project consists of the design, improvement, construction, and reconstruction of eight roads totaling 734 miles in length. Six of the roads in the project already exist as part of the main road system while the remaining two are existing district roads, which will eventually be incorporated into the main system. It will provide safe and quicker transport of passengers; a stimulus to the development of transport and ancillary industries; and administrative, social, and commercial advantages will result from quicker and assured transport connections. Economic benefits will increase with the growth of traffic thereafter.
design agricultural production hides and skins reconstruction road building road transport foreign currency return on investment transport cost per capita income competitive bidding rates of return cotton seed main road project road road maintenance export crop vehicles per day oil seed road work fruit and vegetable staple food construction of road heavy truck sweet potato district road road rehabilitation light truck road system laboratory facility volume of traffic cost of equipment cost equipment maintenance equipment degree of autonomy asphalt road paved road average daily traffic earth road traffic density cashew nut production of rice cross sections diversion of traffic road contracts home market gravel surface black cotton soil main urban center annual budgetary allocation deterioration in quality pavement work earth track produce marketing board density of traffic growth of traffic private automobile traffic sisal plantation road construction production of cash crop
Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Tanganyika - Highway Project
Originating Unit
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
TZ-Highways-267509 -- P002674
Series Name
Technical operations projects series ; no. TO 396
Total Volume(s)
Unit Owning
WB Off:DaresSalaam-Eastern AFR 1 (AFCE1)
Version Type
Volume No


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