cover image: Library Programs. Strengthening Research Library Resources Program. Higher Education Act, Title II-C. Abstracts of Funded Projects, 1988.

Library Programs. Strengthening Research Library Resources Program. Higher Education Act, Title II-C. Abstracts of Funded Projects, 1988.

The 39 funded programs described in this brochure involve bibliographic control, collection development, and preservation of library materials at research libraries, and are designed to make rare materials accessible through bibliographic control and networking. The description of each funded project includes the responsible agent conducting the research library project; the individual responsible for administering the project for the sponsoring institution; the major area of project activity; the grant period; the amount of money awarded for use during the grant period; the U.S. Department of Education control number; and an abstract summarizing the project goals and activities. Three appendixes include five data tables on the funding for the projects and two charts on the project focus; a summary of joint projects for FY 1978-88; and a map of states that have benefited from HEA Title II-C since 1976. (CGD)
Authorizing Institution
Office of Educational Research and Improvement (ED), Washington, DC.
Laws Policies and Programs
Higher Education Act Title II
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
['Reference Materials - Directories/Catalogs', 'Reports - Descriptive']
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents