cover image: An Argument for...A Three-Phased Approach to...Argumentative Writing.

An Argument for...A Three-Phased Approach to...Argumentative Writing.

A three-phased writing assignment in Freshman Composition helps students move from writing narration and description to producing writing which supports and argues a point. In the first phase, the students are asked to write a paper which clearly states a point. In the second phase, students alter their first paper to conform to the needs of a different audience. In the third phase, students become a member of their audience and compose a convincing counterargument. The result of this experience is that students' papers show progress from the first to the third phase and that the writing is more coherent than when argumentation was addressed with a less structured approach. (RS)


Desjardins, Linda A.

Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Guides - Classroom - Teacher
Published in
United States of America

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