cover image: NV State Profile. Nevada: High School Proficiency Examination (HSPE)

NV State Profile. Nevada: High School Proficiency Examination (HSPE)

This paper provides information about Nevada's High School Proficiency Examination (HSPE). The purpose of the exam is to: (1) Provide schools with student academic diagnostic information; (2) Determine prospective high school graduates' knowledge and skill levels relative to those needed for entry-level employment; (3) Determine prospective high school graduates' knowledge and skill levels relative to those needed for postsecondary education; (4) Determine prospective high school graduates' mastery of the state curriculum; (5) Encourage districts and schools to identify and serve students at risk of academic failure; (6) Provide data to state policymakers on student attainment of state education goals to inform educational policy decisions; (7) Increase alignment of local curriculum and programs of instruction with state education standards; (8) Promote equity of opportunity across all student groups; and (9) Meet a state mandate. [For the main report, "State High School Tests: Exit Exams and Other Assessments", see ED514155.]
Authorizing Institution
Center on Education Policy
Education Level
['High Schools', 'Secondary Education']
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Descriptive
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents