This report of the Washington State Higher Education Coordinating Board provides a review of tuition and fee waiver programs submitted by each state university, regional university, state college, and the community college system; and presents recommendations for the continuation, modification, or termination of these programs. The review describes the scope of the various existing programs, discusses what the cost of these programs are to the state and its higher education institutions, examines the growth of these programs over the years, and reviews what the objectives are in evaluating them. Additionally, various program evaluation alternatives that were given to the Board for its consideration are explained. Appendices, comprising half the report, provide: (1) a list of programs by common purpose or goal and identified by mandatory/permissive authority, (2) a listing of the mandatory and permissive programs and amounts of operating fee revenue waived for 1992-93, and (3) the evaluation procedure and criteria used for program reviews. (GLR)
- Authorizing Institution
- Washington State Higher Education Coordinating Board, Olympia.
- Location
- Washington
- Peer Reviewed
- F
- Publication Type
- Reports - Descriptive
- Published in
- United States of America
Table of Contents
- Governor the Legislature and the 3
- Board was directed to develop are granted on the basis of financial need. a synopsis of each program as well as the 3
- That report reviewed the history and 3
- Washington Scholars is tt recognize scholarship and to recruit those students to 5
- Included in this category are 6
- During the same period the operating fee rates charged to students will have 10
- Application of the needs test for 15
- Programs by Common Purpose or Goal 19
- Identified by Ma..uatoryPermissive Authority 19
- Additionally there are four categories of programs that have distinctly different 21
- Waiver of resident operating fee for persons holding Graduate Service 22
- Reciprocal programs waive the 22
- Conditions of reciprocal programs require equal placement of Washington 22
- The Legislature recently has increased the use of space 24
- Listing of Mandatory and Permissive Programs 25
- Residency exemptions are limited to one calendar year. Contractual and 28
- Student eligibility is limited to those who have demonstrated financial need as 28