This document examines the contribution of education to cultural development and the relationship between the contemporary cultural scene and educational processes. The first of five sections discusses the existing tensions between the role of the school culture and contemporary culture. The second section describes the demands of tradition and modernity of cultures. The third section presents culture as an element in democratization. The fourth section considers the question of linguistics by educational authorities. The final section suggests the ambiguous roles of multicultural societies and intercultural education. A 22-item bibliography is included. (CK)
- Authorizing Institution
- United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, Paris (France).
- Peer Reviewed
- F
- Publication Type
- ['Reports - Descriptive', 'Speeches/Meeting Papers']
- Published in
- United States of America
Table of Contents
- P. Dasen P. Furter and G. Rist 2
- EDBIECONFINTED 43Ref.4 - Page 2 3
- In this situation the role of the living culture when it is only interested in modernity it directs the most active 3
- EDBIECONFINTED 43Ref.4 - Page 4 5
- In any event to consider the historic phenomenon in its totality one can note the are the use - by the same social actors - of several languages in different situations. 6
- All of these cultural tactics of course enable some of the practices of the which often make hisher behaviour unpredictable for the planner or the developer 6
- The choice of language to be used in teaching and the importance of different 7
- States in this document we have set out with the idea that modern States are in fact made up of several federal associated or other groups of people 7
- If this definition has the advantage of being clear the fact that it was necessary speak of cultural development or cultural life one is given to think that the artistic 9
- The ambiguity of erudite culture. The basic distinction between culture - taken in enrichment and therefore an improvement to the quality of life. This may often be the 9
- The ambiguity of the culture industrv. The extraordinary growth in what we can national culture which could easily become the world cultural heritage is not the 9
- Furthermore the culture industry however cross-national it seems to be is it is contributing to neo-colonialism and to cultural domination. 9
- The ambiguous role of education. We are using here the term education in its promoting cross-national culture. The role of education itself is therefore ambiguous. 9
- Multicultural sgcietiea. Let us recall the definitions used in the questionnaire For the purposes of this questionnaire the term intercultural means interaction between 9
- In Canada the meaning is slightly different and there they do indeed speak of 10
- The arnbiauous role of intercultural education. Recently a lot has been written 10
- - Page 10 11
- Aboud U. Skerry S. The development of ethnic attitudes a critical review. journal of 11
- Balandler G. Anthropo-lolioues. Paris Librairie generale franoise 1985. 11
- Bassand M. Hainsrd F. Dvnamioue socioculturelle reaionale. Lausanne PPR 1985. 11
- Bourdieu P. Systeme denstignement et systerne de pensee. Revue intern. de sc 11
- Canillel C. Cohen-Emerique M. td. Chocs de cultures concepts et enjeux oratiauec 11
- Coombs Ph. La crise mondiale de loducation. 11
- Paris KW 1964. read. de langlaisj 11
- Coombs Ph. The world crisis in education the view from the eottitics 11
- Furter. P. Les esoaces deja formation essais de microcomniraison etde 11
- Furter P. 11
- Kroeber. A.L. Kluckbohn. Culture a critical review of concepts and definition. Nev. 11
- Moyoles. R.L. Cuatro idiomas nara un Estado. Madrid 1977. 11
- Ieducation interculturelle essaisur le contenu 11
- Petrella R. La renaissance des cultures refionales en Europe occidentals. 11
- Polanyi Y. La arande transformation aulioriaines nolitiaues et economioues de notre 12
- Imps. Paris Gallimard 1983. 12
- Wel H. Social identity and isiterstrouo relations. London Cambridge U.P. 1982. 12