cover image: 30.11.2015_MiddleEastEye_UK_BM




7 Dec 2015

Besides the declaration of a state of emergency, now extended for a period of three months, extremely rigid measures have been imposed: security forces can impose a curfew and enforce it with heavy sanctions, conduct searches at all times, etc. [...] The attacks of January 2015 also gave the French government a free reign to put into effect the so-‐called 13 November 2014 Law to boost the anti-‐terrorism measures through a surge in the number of arrests for charges of promoting terrorism, and secondly by ratifying a particularly forceful law on intelligence, whic. [...] We simply have to observe how the appalling 13 November 2015 attacks could not be prevented despite the colossal resources that the French security services and intelligence boast about, to understand that the response to terrorist threats cannot be addressed solely through security means. [...] The 11/13 attacks have exposed the extent of the threat dominating the EU; but from a more global perspective, this situation reflects how our much-‐vaunted values of respect, openness and altruism prove to be no more than empty words. [...] -‐ Barah Mikail is Director of Research at FRIDE ( and associate professor at Saint Louis University in Madrid.
Published in
Madrid, Spain