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Forum Session Announcement - Incorporating Patient Perspectives in Measuring Quality and Value

20 Feb 2015

Efforts to measure quality have moved from a fairly basic evaluation of patient satisfaction to a more structured consideration of the patient experience of care. [...] As Secretary Burwell wrote in The New England Journal of Medicine, HHS recognizes “the need to continue to reach consensus on the quality measures used and address issues related to risk adjustment in these new models.”5 Do quality measures reflect what is important to both patients and clinicians? How rapidly is the science of quality measurement developing, and what are the current capacities to. [...] Those caring for socioeconomically disadvantaged patients, for example, seek some recognition of the social determinants of their patients’ comparatively poor health—factors often beyond a clinician’s control—and warn of the perpetuation of health care disparities related to those factors.6 Many clinicians are also concerned about the use of patient experience measures, on the grounds that sample. [...] Frank Opelka, MD, is both executive vice president of health care and medical education redesign for the Louisiana State University health system and medical director of Quality and Health Policy 6 F O R U M S E S S I O N M A R C H 1 3 , 2 0 1 5NATIONAL HEALTH POLICY FORUM for the American College of Surgeons. [...] He will provide a physician’s view of working with patients and payers to improve quality, noting especially how clinician leaders in health IT are looking to use it more effectively to assess patient access to care, treatment progress, and the development of personalized care plans.


Lisa Sprague

Published in
United States of America