Here the study specifically explored the degree of national ownership of the NDP, the institutional framework for monitoring and evaluating the plan, the quality of indicators used in the national plan and the integration of other relevant governance assessment instruments into the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of the National Development Plan. [...] This aspect of the study seeks to determine the nature of the ownership of the development plan, the institutional framework for monitoring and evaluating plans, the strengths and the weaknesses of the indicators on governance in the National Development Plan, and the integration of other relevant governance assessment instruments in the Monitoring and Evaluation of the National Development Plans. [...] The statistics on issues such as the number of cases disposed of annually, the number of cases pending at the beginning of each year, the cases filed during the year at the various courts are indicative of the production and use of quantitative governance indicators. [...] This study focuses on the governance indicators in the development plan and seeks to determine the degree of ownership of these plans and the level of linkage between successive budgeting and long-term development plans, the institutional mechanisms available to monitor and evaluate these plans, the quality of the indicators used, as well as the integration of other relevant governance assessment. [...] This study seeks to determine the nature of the ownership of the process, the institutional framework for monitoring and evaluating the plans, the strengths and weaknesses of the indicators used for this and the integration of other governance assessment instruments for use in this monitoring and evaluation process.
Mentioned Organizations
- Pages
- 116
- Published in
- Port Elizabeth, South Africa