cover image: Good Roads Arbor Day: Suggestions for Its Observance. Bulletin, 1913, No. 26. Whole Number 536

Good Roads Arbor Day: Suggestions for Its Observance. Bulletin, 1913, No. 26. Whole Number 536

One of the greatest needs of our country is good public roads. The reason we do not have them wherever needed is not primarily because of the cost of building them, for in the last quarter of the century we have spent more money for other things not half as valuable or half as much needed than would be required to pay for the building of good roads to and through every place having any considerable population. The purpose of this bulletin is to call the attention of children in the schools to the importance of good roads, and to this means of protecting them and beautifying them and making travel more comfortable and attractive over them. This bulletin contains brief statements about the importance of good roads, the history of road building in this and other countries, the custom of planting trees on the roadside, and other material that can be used in observing Good Roads Arbor Day. A bibliography is included. (Contains 9 Illustrations.) [Best copy available has been provided.]


Sipe, Susan B.

Authorizing Institution
Department of the Interior, United States Bureau of Education (ED)
Education Level
Elementary Secondary Education
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
['Historical Materials', 'Reports - Descriptive']
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents