cover image: The All Volunteer Navy and The Schools: Recommendations for Integration of Navy Careers into Career Education. Final Report.

The All Volunteer Navy and The Schools: Recommendations for Integration of Navy Careers into Career Education. Final Report.

This study examined the potential for integrating information on Navy careers into the career education programs which are currently being developed. This integration would result in the presentation of Navy employment information in the same educational context in which employment information on comparable careers in the civilian environment is presented. To verify the feasibility of the study concept and to obtain information either describing career education principles and program developments or describing manpower procurement procedures and Navy occupational information materials, interviews were conducted with key personnel in the U.S. Office of Education, National Institute of Education, and several agencies involved in career education development, as well as key personnel in the Navy and the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense. Based on the results of the interviews and the review of materials assembled, the concept of integration of Navy careers into career education was deemed feasible, and recommendations were formulated pertaining to: (1) development of career guidance materials describing occupations and career development opportunities in the Navy, (2) Navy support of career education curriculum, and (3) establishment of linkages between the Navy and agencies involved in career education. (Author/SB)


Brown, Michael W., Callahan, W. Thomas

Authorizing Institution
Operations Research, Inc., Silver Spring, MD.
Peer Reviewed
Published in
United States of America
Office of Naval Research, Arlington, VA. Personnel and Training Research Programs Office.

Table of Contents