GRADES OR AGES: Grade 6. SUBJECT MATTER: Social studies; government of Latin America and Africa. ORGANIZATION AND PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: The major portion of the guide, which develops the unit, is laid out in three columns, each one for topics, activities, and materials. Other sections are in list form. The guide is mimeographed and staple-bound with a paper cover. OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES: General objectives for the unit are listed on the first page. Each group of activities in the second column is related to a topic in the first column. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Each group of materials listed in the third column is related to one or more activities. In addition, two appendixes contain curriculum materials. STUDENT ASSESSMENT: A one-page section entitled "Evaluation" lists ideas students should understand and skills they should possess by the end of the unit. OPTIONS: The guide is prescriptive as to course content and timing. Activities and materials listed are optional. (RT)
- Authorizing Institution
- ['Providence Public Schools, RI.', 'Rhode Island Coll., Providence.']
- Location
- Africa
- Peer Reviewed
- F
- Published in
- United States of America
- Sponsor
- Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, DC. Cooperative Research Program.
Table of Contents
- The children should be aware of the various types of government that have existed and still 4
- They should also have an understanding of the similarities and differences among these govern- ments and the factors behind their functioning. 4
- There should be some acquaintance with the factors that have ir. menced and still influence the ever- 4
- Tt is the specific aim of this unit to develop an 4
- Constant political change is cnaracteristic of 4
- There are many patterns of government existing 4
- Africa and Latin America have had increasing contacts 5
- Both Latin America and Africa are rapidly assuming 5
- At times they where their 8
- Do research to find out 10
- Politics - government 10
- The chieftancy might remain vithin a tribe but generally 10
- Usually these are small 11
- Disputes are usually 11
- Have the class do research 11
- Unit IV - Governmental Svsten 12
- How did colonial rule 12