cover image: Student Charges. A Study of the Possible Distribution, Use, and Techniques of Administering Student Charges in the University of California and the California State Colleges. A Staff Report to the Coordinating Council for Higher Education. Council Report No. 1035.

Student Charges. A Study of the Possible Distribution, Use, and Techniques of Administering Student Charges in the University of California and the California State Colleges. A Staff Report to the Coordinating Council for Higher Education. Council Report No. 1035.

This study examines various options available in the formulation of a proposal to increase student charges in the University of California and the State colleges. Four issues are discussed: (1) cost distribution of state and student support; (2) uses of the fees for instruction, student services, student financial aid, research, community services, capital outlay current operations, debt instrument, and pay-as-you-go plan; (3) techniques for cost administration, i.e., comprehensive loan, graduated charges, flat charges, differentiated charges, voucher system; and (4) effects of fee increases on student population redistribution and attrition. It is estimated that 13,800 students would be affected. Fifty-five pages of appended resolutions, statements, graphs and charts comprise the basis for the study. There are 6 policy proposals regarding the collection and administration of funds. (NF)
Authorizing Institution
California State Coordinating Council for Higher Education, Sacramento.
Peer Reviewed
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents