cover image: Women in Nontraditional Jobs: A Conference Guide. Increasing Job Options for Women.

Women in Nontraditional Jobs: A Conference Guide. Increasing Job Options for Women.

Designed to help organizations interested in expanding job options for women to plan and hold a community-based conference on nontraditional jobs, this guide outlines basic steps in planning, provides information about successful programs, and makes suggestions about how to deal with the mechanics of a conference. Following an introduction which presents the barriers to and advantages of nontraditional employment for women, a section on preliminary planning discusses the conference coordinator, community analysis, choosing a theme, the planning committee, and participants. The next section, "Program," deals with format, subject areas, speakers, panels, workshops, lunch, and audiovisuals and exhibits. The following section, "Conference Procedures," covers finances, timing and site, invitations, facilities and equipment, registration, briefing sessions, publicity, and the conference report. The section on follow-up includes evaluation, planning the committee meeting, and closing out. The appendixes include a resource list of publications, slides, and films; a checklist of things to do before and after the conference; samples of a press release, announcement of reception and briefing, registration form, program, and letter of invitation; and a list of Women's Bureau Regional Offices. (LMS)
Authorizing Institution
Women's Bureau (DOL), Washington, DC.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Descriptive
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents