cover image: Children of Military Families: A Part and Yet Apart.

Children of Military Families: A Part and Yet Apart.

This volume is a collection of 11 articles which focus on the problems of family life among military personnel with dependent children. Three brief articles included in Chapter I discuss the military child from a developmental perspective, beginning with the preschool child and continuing through latency to adolescence. Chapter II reports on familial and social role perceptions of children raised in military families. Chapter III discusses the androgynous wife and the military child. Chapter IV explores the effect of the absent parent on Rorschach "T" responses. Chapter V explores the military mother's need for child development services. Chapter VI discusses problems of children of mixed marriages. Chapter VII studies the language learning of internationally mobile military youth. Chapter VIII reports a study of child abuse and neglect. Chapter IX describes a group treatment program provided for mothers whose children were in emergency foster care. Chapter X advocates research of the effects of parent effectiveness training among military families. Chapter XI reports on characteristics and management of child abuse and neglect among military families. (Author/RH)


Hunter, Edna J., Ed., Nice, D. Stephen, Ed.

Authorizing Institution
Office of Naval Research, Washington, DC. Organizational Effectiveness Research Program.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents