cover image: The Academic and Remedial Placement of Students Entering B. C. C. in September 1975 by Curriculum Group. Research Report BCC-9-75.

The Academic and Remedial Placement of Students Entering B. C. C. in September 1975 by Curriculum Group. Research Report BCC-9-75.

This report describes the Bronx Community College (B.C.C.) freshmen class entering in September 1975, in terms of high school grade average and scores on reading-English and mathematics placement tests. As of the fall of 1974, B.C.C. enrolled a markedly higher proportion of students with high school averages below 70 percent than any other college in the City University of New York. On the basis of placement tests, 78 percent of the 1975 class were recommended for at least one remedial course in the reading-English area, and 68 percent were recommended for remedial mathematics. However, only 54 percent of the matriculated students actually enrolled in reading-English remedial courses, and only 29 percent actually enrolled in remedial mathematics courses. The actual programs of students who were placed into, but did not register in, remedial courses is examined. Eight tables show the distribution of remedial placements in English, reading, and mathematics by curriculum; the actual programs of students placed into, but not taking remedial courses; the distribution, by curriculum, of high school averages for entering freshmen (general, English, mathematics, and foreign language); and the proportions of high school averages below 70 percent for freshmen entering between September 1971 and September 1975. (Author/NHM)
Authorizing Institution
Bronx Community Coll., NY.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Research
Published in
United States of America

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