cover image: Developers and Evaluators Engaged in Formative Product Development.

Developers and Evaluators Engaged in Formative Product Development.

The Rural Education Program (REP) of the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory (NWREL) is developing a strategy for involving rural communities and school systems in a systematic problem solving process. This Rural Futures Development (RFD) Strategy is based on the theoretical works of such people as Havelock, Lippit, Bales, Williamson, Schmuck and Runkel and on NWREL's field based development efforts. This paper presents: (1) an overview of the RFD Strategy and its related products, (2) a discussion of the three phases of the evaluation of the strategy and (3) an examination of the interactive procedures between developers and evaluators in the formative evaluation of products which are integral to strategy installation. Essentially, the strategy consists of (1) the training and field involvement of process facilitators (outside change agents) who introduce the strategy and share problem solving and decision making skills with local people, (2) the development of a representative local school-community group, and (3) the collaborative involvement of the school system and school-community group in identifying and solving local educational problems. (Author/RC)


Olsen, James B., Wright, William J.

Authorizing Institution
Northwest Regional Educational Lab., Portland, OR.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Research
Published in
United States of America
National Inst. of Education (DHEW), Washington, DC.

Table of Contents