cover image: Earned Degrees Conferred 1977-78.

Earned Degrees Conferred 1977-78.

Data on earned degrees conferred in the United States from July 1977 through June 1978 are presented, based on results of the Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS) entitled "Degrees and Other Formal Awards Conferred." Data on baccalaureate and higher degrees are presented in summary and detailed tables, which show the numbers of degrees granted by level of degree, institutional control and level, sex of recipient, state, and discipline division and specialty. Among the findings are the following: the total number of bachelor's, first-professional, master's, and doctor's degrees conferred by institutions of higher education in 1977-78 showed a decrease over the previous year's total by 2,356; the effect of a decrease in men was largely balanced by an increase in women receiving degrees; the largest increase in the number of degrees awarded to women since 1973-74 occurred for the first-professional degrees, but women were still only approaching parity with men at the bachelor's and master's levels; the percent of degrees conferred by publicly controlled institutions decreased slightly for two degree levels; business and management, education, and the social sciences were the disciplines with the largest number of bachelor's degrees; education, business and management, and public affairs and services were the disciplines with the largest number of master's degrees; and education, social sciences, and biological sciences were the disciplines with the largest number of doctoral degrees. Additionally, degree trends from 1968 through 1978 are analyzed. A sample survey form is appended. (SW)


Pepin, Andrew J., Wells, Agnes Q.

Authorizing Institution
National Center for Education Statistics (DHEW), Washington, DC.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
['Numerical/Quantitative Data', 'Reports - Descriptive']
Published in
United States of America

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