cover image: Chaco Province, Argentina : feasibility study for the design and implementation of cotton index insurance


Chaco Province, Argentina : feasibility study for the design and implementation of cotton index insurance

5 Jun 2013

This report presents the findings and recommendations of the feasibility study for a macro-level index insurance program for the Provincial Government of Chaco (GoC) as part of its natural-disaster risk management strategies for cotton growers located throughout the 25 departments of the province. Two index options were reviewed under this study starting with a macro-level rainfall deficit and excess rainfall cover based on individual rainfall weather stations in Chaco province, but as the rainfall index prototypes modeled produced very poor correlations with departmental average yields of cotton, this option was deemed inappropriate as a risk transfer instrument for GoC. The second index product analyzed was a macro-level area yield index insurance (AYII) cover which uses, as the basis of insurance and indemnity, the departmental average yield of raw cotton and which was designed to protect the GoC's and or lending institutions' financial exposure to severe climate related cotton production and yield shortfall. This product appears to show potential for implementation for cotton grown in Chaco province, but further technical and operational design work will be required in 2013 before this AYII product can be launched.
federal government insurance companies world food programme world market price cotton price moral hazard premium rate weather station cost of production access to bank lending institution land use management excess rainfall insurance pool cotton production cotton sector natural event cultivated area crop season annual mean temperature average yield yield data risk management instrument rainfall deficit impact of climate individual farmer average production basis risk risk transfer instrument cotton producer commodity price boom rating methodology climatic risk flood loss agricultural insurance scheme extreme drought contract design cotton area crop insurance program cotton farmer crop yield loss risk transfer product alternative risk transfer rainfall index cotton growing area production of cotton cotton crop cotton yield seed cotton production multiple peril crop insurance cotton boll drought index crop insurance product cotton fiber production cultivated cotton area insurance demand


Arias Carballo,Diego, Wrede,Peter Friedrich Wilhelm, Valdivia Zelaya,Pablo R., Stutley,Charles, Bacchini,Roberto Dario

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Chaco Province, Argentina : feasibility study for the design and implementation of cotton index insurance
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