cover image: Comparisons of College Grades, ACT Scores and High School Grades between Those with and Those without High School Newspaper or Yearbook Experience.

Comparisons of College Grades, ACT Scores and High School Grades between Those with and Those without High School Newspaper or Yearbook Experience.

To determine if any significant differences existed between secondary school students who had been on the staff of a school newspaper or yearbook and those students who had no publication experience, a study examined 19,249 college students who had completed their college freshman year in 1984 and who had taken the ACT Assessment as high school students during the 1982-1983 testing period. The following data were also obtained: Interest Inventory and Student Profile Section scores; final grades in the last high school courses in English, social studies, mathematics, and science; college freshman cumulative grade point averages; and first college English course grades. Findings showed that in 10 of 12 statistical comparisons, those students who had completed at least one year of college and who had been on the staff of a high school newspaper or yearbook earned significantly higher scores than their counterparts who were not involved in publications. The 10 significantly higher comparisons were found in cumulative college freshman grade point average; first collegiate English course; ACT Composite score; ACT English score; ACT Social Studies score; and mean score and final score of four high school courses in English, social studies, mathematics, and natural science. In only one of 12 comparisons--the ACT Mathematics score--did the group with high school publications experience show a significant negative difference. (Author/HOD)


Dvorak, Jack

Assessments and Surveys
ACT Assessment
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
['Reports - Research', 'Speeches/Meeting Papers']
Published in
United States of America

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