cover image: The Way of Tradition: Life in an Orthodox Jewish School. ACER Research Series No. 103.

The Way of Tradition: Life in an Orthodox Jewish School. ACER Research Series No. 103.

This anthropological and sociological study of a Jewish school (the Lubavitcher School) in Victoria, Australia examines the problems of an ethnic group trying to preserve its culture and values within a multicultural society. The study focuses on pressures facing both students and teachers over 15 months. The three major parts of the book discuss the roots of Judaic traditions, social organization, and hindrances of tradition. In Part I the tradition of Chassidic Judaism and the academic tradition of Judaism are discussed. In Part II the social organization of the Lubavitcher school is outlined. Topics discussed include the structuring of tradition, the organization of time and activity, the ceremonial organization of tradition, and the formal organization of knowledge. Part III examines patterns of social interaction and the informal knowledge conveyed in social groups. Finally, the impact of a tradition beset by contradictions on students' lives is analyzed. Research techniques and methodology adapted from anthropological literature are described in the appendix. (KC)


Bullivant, B. M.

Authorizing Institution
Australian Council for Educational Research, Hawthorn.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
['Reports - Research', 'Books']
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents