cover image: New Report on the Elderly: Statistical Notes, Number 4, April 1980.

New Report on the Elderly: Statistical Notes, Number 4, April 1980.

This newsletter, distributed by the National Clearinghouse on Aging, is designed to provide information about statistical programs and recent publications to the National Network on Aging as well as individuals and organizations working in the field of aging. The contents of this issue focus on: (1) a summary of estimates of the United States population by age group, sex, and race; (2) a comparative analysis of participation in adult education by persons age 55 and older in 1969, 1972, and 1975; and (3) the 1978 costs of retired couples' household budgets. Additionally, information about two recent publications, i.e., "Inventory of Federal Statistical Programs Relating to Older Persons" and "Social and Economic Characteristics of the Older Population: 1978," is provided. (Author/HLM)
Authorizing Institution
Administration on Aging (DHEW), Washington, DC.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Numerical/Quantitative Data
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents