cover image: Adult Learning Disabilities. Overview: ERIC Fact Sheet No. 9.

Adult Learning Disabilities. Overview: ERIC Fact Sheet No. 9.

An overview of learning disabilities in adults is presented to aid in detection, diagnosis, and instruction. Following a description of learning disabilities in general, and the occurrence in adults in particular, nine observable characteristics of learning-disabled adults are discussed: (1) vision problems; (2) extraneous vocal sounds; (3) inability to match sounds to symbols or to distinguish between similar sounds; (4) confusion about sequential order; (5) inability to simultaneously integrate basic sensory channels for learning; (6) low level of frustration; (7) negative self-image; (8) poor concept of time; and (9) physical conditions resulting from metabolism problems. Recommendations for formal and informal diagnostic procedures are presented including observation, selecting an instrument, and steps to take after testing. Nine specific teaching and learning strategies are offered for working with learning-disabled adults. Two resources, upon which this fact sheet is based, are listed as available from the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) system. (DC)


Mays, Francine, Imel, Susan

Authorizing Institution
ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational Education, Columbus, OH.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
ERIC Publications
Published in
United States of America
National Inst. of Education (ED), Washington, DC.

Table of Contents