cover image: Assessing the Development of Preschoolers.

Assessing the Development of Preschoolers.

To assess whether or not a child's development is going well, preschool teachers might ask the following questions: Does the child fall asleep easily and wake rested? Does the child eat with appetite? On the average, over a period of 3 or 4 weeks, does the child have bowel and bladder control? Does the child exhibit a range of emotions? Does the child's play vary over a period of time? Does the child occasionally exhibit curiosity, adventure, and even mischief? Does the child usually accept adult authority? Can the child initiate, maintain, and enjoy a relationship with one or more children? Is the child capable of sustained involvement, absorption, and interest in something outside of himself or herself? Does the child express spontaneous affection for one or more adults? Is the child capable of enjoying the potentially "good things of life," such as going on picnics and exploring new places or materials? The first three questions are particularly sensitive indicators of the child's development. The remaining questions, representing preschool teachers' most important goals for their pupils, can be easily inquired about or observed directly. Observation of a child's functioning on these criteria over a period of 3 weeks provides data usually sufficient for assessment purposes. (RH)


Katz, Lilian G., And Others

Authorizing Institution
Maharaja Sayajirao Univ. of Baroda (India).
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Guides - Non-Classroom
Published in
United States of America

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