cover image: Speech Communication and Communication Processes: Abstracts of Doctoral Dissertations Published in "Dissertation Abstracts International," July through September 1977 (Vol. 38 Nos. 1 through 3).

Speech Communication and Communication Processes: Abstracts of Doctoral Dissertations Published in "Dissertation Abstracts International," July through September 1977 (Vol. 38 Nos. 1 through 3).

This collection of abstracts is part of a continuing series providing information on recent doctoral dissertations. The 22 titles deal with a variety of topics, including the following: the rhetorical effectiveness of Senator Edmund S. Muskie's 1972 Presidential primary election campaign; persuasive speaking techniques of black college and university presidents involved in fund-raising efforts; the function of communication in consensus-building in two rural Wisconsin communities; effects of self-disclosure and attitude similarity on the reduction of interpersonal conflict; nonverbal communication in marital interaction; persuasive communication and accounting; criteria for effective oral argument before a court of appeals; a category system for analyzing superior/subordinate communication behavior; the relationship between teachers' attitudes and their perceptions of students' communication behaviors; the effect of expected ethnocentricity and racial and attitudinal similarity on communicator effectiveness; paralinguistics and the college teacher; verbal obscenity; children's social interactions; teacher/pupil communications in nursery schools; and an analysis of the advocacy of Tom Hayden as a radical intellectual activist in the New Left social movement. (GW)
Authorizing Institution
ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, Urbana, IL.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reference Materials - Bibliographies
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents