cover image: Analytic Concepts and the Relation Between Content and Process in Science Curricula.

Analytic Concepts and the Relation Between Content and Process in Science Curricula.

The interrelation of science content and process is discussed in terms of analytic and systemic concepts. Analytic concepts identify the type or form of systemic concepts found in particular disciplines. In terms of analytic concepts, science processes such as observation, deduction, and prediction can be identified and defined as operations applicable to sets of systemic concepts. Analytic networks, i.e., structurally related sets of analytic concepts, establish an organizational framework for content at the systemic level. Such networks provide a basis for selection of systemic content and processes. Several networks are briefly described which were found to characterize content of selected science programs. The utility of the networks is illustrated by their ability to organize concent proposed for the kindergarten level of a science program. (LS)


Smith, Edward L.

Authorizing Institution
Southwest Regional Laboratory for Educational Research and Development, Los Alamitos, CA.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Research
Published in
United States of America

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