cover image: Familiarization and Dissemination of Selected Vocational-Technical Curriculum and Resource Materials. A Final Report.

Familiarization and Dissemination of Selected Vocational-Technical Curriculum and Resource Materials. A Final Report.

Because the insular nature of the State of Hawaii limits easy access to materials available nationally and even curtails dissemination of locally developed curricular materials, the materials familiarization and dissemination portion of an educational development project was designed to provide educators throughout Hawaii with an information system that would better help them meet the vocational-technical and career education needs of their students. The report of the materials familiarization and dissemination activities tells how up-to-date curriculum and resource materials were selected, purchased, and duplicated for dissemination. These and other materials already available locally were presented, explained, demonstrated, and discussed by various experts in a series of workshops held on Oahu and the Neighbor Islands. Educators in vocational-technical and career education and related areas were made familiar with some of the most recent useable materials, together with the methods and techniques by which they might be effectively implemented in the on-going instructional programs of the State. Appended to the report are materials related to the workshops(brochures and agenda, topics and consultants, participants, and evaluations) and a three-page list of the materials purchased and/or duplicated. (Author/AJ)


Boggs, Minnie, Ed., Luckner, Barbara, Ed.

Authorizing Institution
Hawaii Univ., Honolulu. Office of the State Director for Vocational Education.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Research
Published in
United States of America
National Center for Improvement of Educational Systems (DHEW/OE), Washington, DC.

Table of Contents