cover image: A Senior High School Social Studies Unit on Africa South of the Sahara. World History Series, Bulletin No. 252.

A Senior High School Social Studies Unit on Africa South of the Sahara. World History Series, Bulletin No. 252.

This secondary level curriculum guide provides a program and identifies materials for the study of the history and culture of Africa south of the Sahara. The primary purpose of this course is to stimulate thought and to encourage students to make valid generalizations and intelligent assessments of the forces and events that have and are shaping the cultures of Africa. Each lesson contains behavior and content objectives, suggested activities and procedures, suggested source materials, and student evaluation methods. The guide includes three major topics and subtopics within each major topic. Within the topic of the myth and reality of Africa are units on geography, racial makeup, culture, and history. Within the topic of the African Colonial period are units on early exploration and penetration, slavery and the slave trade, Atlantic slave trade, and European scramble and partition. Within the topic of African independence are units on the advent of independence; selected study examples including Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, and South Africa; problems of nation-building, and Pan-Africanism. The appendices include supplementary materials for teacher preparation and further student resources and activities. (Author/DE)


Kelly, Harry, And Others

Authorizing Institution
Montgomery County Public Schools, Rockville, MD.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Guides - General
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents