cover image: James Monroe High School Proyecto Nuevos Horizontes, 1985-1986. OEA Evaluation Report.

James Monroe High School Proyecto Nuevos Horizontes, 1985-1986. OEA Evaluation Report.

Proyecto Nuevos Horizontes, a 3-year Title VII-funded bilingual education program, serves 287 Spanish speaking students at James Monroe High School (Bronx, New York). This report evaluates the project's first year of operation, 1985-86. The report contains an introduction describing the school and project goals; information on student characteristics; a description of the program; evaluation findings; conclusions and recommendations; and appendices with program-related statistics and meeting agendas. The program aims to: (1) improve English language skills of limited English proficient (LEP) students while providing daily instruction in Spanish; (2) develop a computer-assisted instructional program to reinforce students' skills in English as a second language, native language arts, and content-area subjects; (3) offer LEP students business education courses; (4) develop career awareness; (5) foster pride in students' ethnic heritage; and (6) increase student attendance rates. According to the evaluation, short term goals were met. Students showed improvement on the Criterion Referenced English Syntax Test. More than 65 percent of the students enrolled in social studies, science and mathematics classes obtained passing grades. More than 70 percent of the students enrolled in native language arts classes passed. The program attendance rate was significantly higher than that of mainstream students. (PS)
Authorizing Institution
New York City Board of Education, Brooklyn. Office of Educational Assessment.
New York (New York)
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Evaluative
Published in
United States of America
Department of Education, Washington, DC.

Table of Contents