cover image: The Humanities in Two-Year Colleges: The Faculty in Review.

The Humanities in Two-Year Colleges: The Faculty in Review.

This monograph reviews the faculty teaching the humanities in two-year colleges: their backgrounds and preparation, involvement with inservice training, job satisfaction, attitudes and values, and approaches to curriculum and instruction. Information was derived by an extensive search of the literature. Materials were identified by scanning 34 sets of bibliographic indexes for publications of the past 10 years, along with the catalogues of the UCLA University Library, and by asking association and institutional heads for unreported studies. The preparation sequence leading to a specialized competence is frequently seen as inappropriate for the tasks of teaching in an open-door institution. Holders of doctorate degrees have difficulty in obtaining positions because they are priced too high. Part-time faculty paid at a relatively low hourly rate are being employed in increasing numbers. But opportunities are opening for constructive inservice training. The major foundations and federal funding agencies are becoming increasingly aware of faculty in these institutions. And, most important, a professional consciousness is developing within the faculty as they form their own subgroups within the major disciplinary organizations and seek to take control of the conditions of their work. A bibliography is appended. (NHM)


Brawer, Florence B.

Authorizing Institution
['Center for the Study of Community Colleges, Los Angeles, CA.', 'ERIC Clearinghouse for Junior Colleges, Los Angeles, CA.']
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reference Materials - Bibliographies
Published in
United States of America
['National Endowment for the Humanities (NFAH), Washington, DC.', 'National Inst. of Education (DHEW), Washington, DC.']

Table of Contents