cover image: Arizona Industrial Arts: Electricity Electronics. A Curriculum Guide for Intermediate and Secondary Level Programs.

Arizona Industrial Arts: Electricity Electronics. A Curriculum Guide for Intermediate and Secondary Level Programs.

This curriculum guide is for use by teachers and its purposes are: (1) to describe the purpose and content of electricity-electronics courses, (2) to provide a suggested course outline with student and teacher activities and instructional aids, (3) to promote coordination between intermediate and secondary programs in Arizona, and (4) to suggest a foundation curriculum for trade and industrial education, technical education, and engineering. It was developed by a large group of teachers in a series of meetings which was coordinated by the state supervisors. "Exploring Electricity-Electronics" is a 45-hour unit and "General Electricity-Electronics,""Electronics," and "Advanced Electronics" are 180-hour courses. For each of these objectives are given, and course content, student activities, teacher activities, and instructional aids are organized in parallel columns for each topic. Supplementary materials include safety rules, visual aid bibliography, and a reference bibliography. (EM)
Authorizing Institution
Arizona State Dept. of Vocational Education, Phoenix.
Peer Reviewed
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents