cover image: Income Verification Pilot Project (IVPP): Findings on School Meal Program Participation and Legislative Impact, 1981-82 School Year.

Income Verification Pilot Project (IVPP): Findings on School Meal Program Participation and Legislative Impact, 1981-82 School Year.

Reported in this document are findings of a preliminary analysis of congressionally mandated changes in the application process for government-sponsored school meal benefits and an examination of low-cost quality assurance procedures implemented in Phase I of the Income Verification Pilot Project (IVPP). Discussion is based on an analysis of two of three data sources used to evaluate Phase I quality assurance procedures: (1) meal benefit program eligibility and participation records, and (2) abstracts of meal benefit applications. Six chapters respectively provide a review of the background and current status of Phase I; an analysis of the effects of congressionally mandated application changes and experimental quality assurance procedures on program eligibility and costs to the Federal government; an analysis of the effects of congressionally mandated application changes and experimental quality assurance procedures on meal benefit applications; a summary of findings; a discussion of implications of findings; and appendices describing the statistical methods used in estimating effects and providing sample meal benefit applications. (RH)
Authorizing Institution
Applied Management Sciences, Inc., Silver Spring, MD.
Laws Policies and Programs
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act 1981
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Research
Published in
United States of America
Food and Nutrition Service (USDA), Washington, DC. Office of Analysis and Evaluation.

Table of Contents