cover image: The Role of the Student.

The Role of the Student.

Participation in some areas of university governance is recommended in these 4 statements as an acceptable student role. The first statement describes "legitimate student demands" as those concerned with the quality of the educational experience as they relate to the stated objectives, purposes, and resources of the institution. In the solution of relevant problems, students should be permitted to participate on a broad scale in university committees and councils to introduce a fresh point of view in reasoned dialogue. The premise of the second statement is that reciprocity is the vital ingredient in healthy human relationships. Student, faculty, and administrative leadership are crucial, mutually reinforcing elements in the shaping of any institution committed to learning. The third statement places emphasis on the student as an individual with human feelings, needs, and desires. The administration and faculty should allow the student to be an active participant in the college community, and should contribute to his individual development by seeing that the results of his participation are both productive and educational. The fourth statement presents 3 ways in which a student's role should develop, but for the present suggests that students serve on committees that have been under faculty control. Mutual trust and respect must be developed in order to attain the ideal view of the university as a community of scholars. (WM)


Halladay, D. W., And Others

Authorizing Institution
American Association of State Colleges and Universities, Washington, DC.
Peer Reviewed
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents