cover image: College and University Organization: Insights from the Behavioral Sciences.

College and University Organization: Insights from the Behavioral Sciences.

The organization and administration of colleges and universities are discussed in 10 papers representing varied perspectives of the most current theories of organizational behavior. Titles and authors are as follows: "Maps and Gaps in the Study of College and University Organization" (James L. Bess); "Contradictions in a Community of Scholars: The Cohesion-Accuracy Tradeoff" (Karl E. Weick); "Models of the Organizational Life Cycle: Applications to Higher Education" (Kim S. Cameron, David A. Whetten); "Motivation Research Versus the Art of Faculty Management" (Barry M. Staw); "Motivation Enhancement Through Work Redesign" (Greg R. Oldham, Carol T. Kulik); "Job Satisfaction and Role Clarity Among University and College Faculty" (Edwin A. Locke, William Fitzpatrick, Frank M. White); "Leaders and Leadership in Academe" (Victor H. Vroom); "Decision Style and Organizational Behavior: Implications for Academia" (Michael Driver); "Strategy Formation in the University Setting" (Cynthia Hardy, Ann Langley, Henry Mintzberg, Janet Rose); and "Doing New Things in Old Ways: The Chains of Socialization" (John Van Maanen). (SW)


Bess, James L., Ed.

Authorizing Institution
['EXXON Education Foundation, New York, NY.', 'Association for the Study of Higher Education.', 'New York Univ., NY.']
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
['Collected Works - General', 'Opinion Papers']
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents