cover image: Research and Development Needs for the Advancement of Teacher Education. Research Series No. 8.

Research and Development Needs for the Advancement of Teacher Education. Research Series No. 8.

Three scholarly efforts, in addition to kindergarten through grade 12 research, are necessary before research and development is likely to improve teacher education. First, systematic development efforts must be undertaken to reexamine and translate elementary-secondary research findings into articulate sets of curricula for teachers. Second, research must be conducted to indicate how adults, including, but not limited to, teachers, can be taught the skills found beneficial to their professional activities. Third, systematic attention must be given to the way in which goals for teacher education are determined. The role that each of these three research and development areas must play in improving teacher education programs is examined, and the means by which educational research may be put into practice are discussed. (JD)


Lanier, Judith E., Floden, Robert E.

Authorizing Institution
Michigan State Univ., East Lansing. Inst. for Research on Teaching.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Research
Published in
United States of America
National Inst. of Education (DHEW), Washington, DC.

Table of Contents