cover image: Policies and Procedures of Accreditation for Programs in Practical Nursing.

Policies and Procedures of Accreditation for Programs in Practical Nursing.

Three major sections concern: (1) The Accrediting Program of the National League for Nursing (NLN) for Practical Nursing Programs, with general information about accrediting services of the NLN, historical data about accrediting in nursing education, and statements of the principles and purposes of NLN accreditation, (2) The Development of Accrediting Policies and Procedures and the Criteria, discussing the roles in connection with accreditation of practical nursing program faculties, the Council of Practical Nursing Programs, the Board of Review for Practical Nursing Programs, and the Advisory Committee on Accrediting Procedures, and (3) The Accreditation Process. Accreditation is explained in terms of (1) eligibility, (2) initiation of the process, (3) the self-evaluation study, (4) review of the application for evaluation, (5) the accreditation visit (including the visiting team, joint visits with the Department of Associate Degree Programs, purpose of the visit, arrangements for the visit, conduct of the visit, and the visitors' report, (6) evaluation by the Board of Review for Practical Nursing Programs, (7) Reevaluation, (8) appeal, (9) listing of accredited programs, and (10) confidentiality of accreditation information. (JK)
Authorizing Institution
National League for Nursing, New York, NY. Dept. of Practical Nursing Programs.
Peer Reviewed
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents