cover image: The Influence of Team Teaching and Flexible Grouping on Attitudes of Junior High School Students. Final Report. New York State Experimental and Innovative Programs.

The Influence of Team Teaching and Flexible Grouping on Attitudes of Junior High School Students. Final Report. New York State Experimental and Innovative Programs.

This final report of an experimental program to test student attitudes describes progressive stages of the program conducted between 1965 and 1969 by the social studies department of the New Rochelle Albert Leonard Junior High School. Most of the time, pupils in the experimental unit were grouped heterogeneously for special presentations such as lectures, films, and panels. Otherwise, students were grouped homogeneously accoring to their individual needs and the purposes of instruction. In 1968, all seventh grade students were centralized in a separate wing, providing the opportunity for more specialized instruction to incoming students. Team teaching and a "swing teacher" assigned to each team were special features of this seventh grade school. Data analysis from a student opinion poll confirmed a major hypothesis that students with differing abilities, grouped heterogeneously in a program of planned team teaching, will develop significantly better attitudes than students grouped homogeneously in a program of traditional teaching. (JK)


Samuels, Seymour, And Others

Authorizing Institution
New Rochelle City Board of Education, NY.
Peer Reviewed
Published in
United States of America
New York State Education Dept., Albany. Div. of Research.

Table of Contents