cover image: Parent Volunteer System: A Manual for Teachers. Preschool Program: A Regional Demonstration Program for Preschool Handicapped Children.

Parent Volunteer System: A Manual for Teachers. Preschool Program: A Regional Demonstration Program for Preschool Handicapped Children.

One of 10 documents developed for preschool programs for handicapped children, the manual focuses on the use of parent volunteers (or paraprofessionals) in the classroom. The introduction examines the program's purpose and rationale, provides an overview of the parent volunteer system, and considers recommended setting, and the appropriateness of the parent volunteer system for a given setting. The next section details the steps involved in using the system with subsections on the teacher responsibilities, how to introduce the parent volunteer system, writing the parent participation plan, and the parent training sessions (five times a year). Appendixes include questions (and answers) that parents ask about volunteering, a sample parent orientation session, and sample parent participation plan cards which give the parent specific instructions for the day. (DB)


Toole, Amy L., And Others

Authorizing Institution
Putnam and Northern Westchester Counties Board of Cooperative Educational Services, Yorktown Heights, NY.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Guides - Non-Classroom
Published in
United States of America
Special Education Programs (ED/OSERS), Washington, DC. Handicapped Children's Early Education Program.

Table of Contents